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Our products

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Everything you need to create, edit, enhance and convert PDF documents in one dynamic application.

A flexible, customizable and wizard-driven application for the batch creation, manipulation and modification of PDF files.

Our virtual printer that prints-to-PDF and creates fully compatible, text-searchable PDF files from most Windows applications.

PDF-XChange Editor Plus, PDF-Tools and the PDF-XChange Standard virtual printer in one discount bundle.

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We are proud to number amongst our clients some of the world's largest companies - but rest assured all of our clients, both large and small, are equally important to us. Many software companies also rely on our PDF technology for the 'under the hood' creation, manipulation and displaying of PDF files when you use their software products.

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Customer Testimonials

Happy Clients

Feedback from Hans-Jörg Becker

It has more features than Adobe, scans better than the original scanner drivers and has such a great performance.
I can totally recommend it...

Hans-Jörg Becker
Feedback from Collin Probst ~TechRadar

Some of the devoted users of PDF-XChange are convinced that this is the best PDF editor there is. Others swear by the features for the price. My experience was good, however there was nothing mind blowing. But maybe that’s the point. While nothing stood out as incredible, there was also nothing that stood out as annoying or in the way. Nothing was missing nor was anything confusing or frustrating. PDF editors and that line of work can be frustrating as it is, with enough complication. So, by having...

Collin Probst ~TechRadar
Feedback from Anonymous

I just wanted to let your company know that I am very happy with your software and specifically about a certain feature. I have grown accustomed to using the interface in Version 6 that my company has licensed. Today the IT pushed out an update that upgraded my installed software to V7. When I first ran it, I saw the new Ribbon UI that Microsoft jammed down everyone’s throats. I personally detest the Ribbon, and I was a bit disoriented at first. But after looking into the help files to educate myself...


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